A genuine gamechanger
Beginner - J.S
The personal fit was a genuine gamechanger for me. Having only ever written medical/academic CVs, I was struggling to leverage my experiences and sell
myself properly within a consulting CV. The method taught in this module has helped me to structure my experiences, prioritise which are most relevant and write (what I
believe) is a good CV
This course was very unique
Intermediate - D.H
I think it gave me a very good idea about how to be more structured in my interview answers - to case questions and personal fit questions. Before I took this course I could only read casebooks or look at other people's performance in videos, in this course I can see how the structure was formed and presented, as well as see the teachers reaction to different situations. Hence it was unique in my opinion. For me, the course was very useful and insightful. It was very well prepared and very clearly structured. The teacher is very good at explaining things, also her lovely personality made the course very relaxed and enjoyable. I would rate it 5/5.
I would recommend this course to anyone interested in consulting
Beginner - A.F
All the modules of the course are useful especially for people who do not have experience in solving cases and for people who have never attended an interview/or want to improve their answers for the competency/behavioural questions. Throughout my case interview preparation, I was struggling on how to structure my thought process to reach an appropriate solution, but this course provided me with a detailed explanation and analysis of case solving which are really useful for beginners.
The way the course is taught really helps you 'think like a consultant'
Beginner - C.W
I found it useful to know what to do when you are stuck in an interview - although you taught us not to use frameworks, I think having a strategy for getting out of situations where you are a bit stuck will really help to stay calm in interviews. The reasons I have prioritised the way that I have is because I have chosen the areas that I have found it the most hard to get information using other sources, so in a way it is what makes the course stand out most for me. I would say that the course was a lot more enjoyable than I expected after watching yt videos etc. I think that moving away from standard structures and having to think for yourself a bit more really helped make the course and doing cases a lot more enjoyable - by the end you are a lot more prepared to tackle a variety of cases.